The Battle of Six Armies
Legionnaires erect a Barricade for cover as they advance. |
We played this game a few weeks back now and its just taken a bit of time to get it written up, it
seems to have gone all Naval here at Yarkshire Gamer at the moment and I have been busy on the Jutland project nearly forgetting that we had done this game. There has been a bit of a build up on the blog with the
Approach to Madrid Game and other painting posts, so finally here it is. Its a long post with lots of detail, sadly not enough room to do an AAR at the same time, I will get round to one later.
Historical Background
1936 had seen the unstable political situation in Spain descend into a Civil War which had proved to be anything but "Civil". The Nationalist forces had seen a number of successes driving on the countries capital and now in December the glittering prize was in sight.
Led by the veteran Army of Africa with its units of Foreign Legion and Moroccan Tabors the Nationalists had advanced on the city along a narrow front through the Casa del Campo National Park to avoid messy street fighting.
The attack to capture the city itself and unseat the Republican Government was planned to begin with an assault on the University District, with its large buildings and areas of park it was separated from the Casa del Campo by the Rio Manzanares.
Carlist Advance behind a T26 |
Game Design
The game was inspired by my reading into the history of the Spanish Civil War, it really is a fascinating period, the various factions involved, each with their own political / religious agendas led to conflicts between units (especially in the early part of the war with the various Militias) which were supposed to be on the same side.
It was this that started me thinking about a 2 sided game but with two teams of 3 players each with their own separate agendas.
We use a home brew system of rules which are based on Iron Ivans "Seven Coffins for Seven Brothers" rules but we use a card activation system (like toofatlardies) and a "cash" based reinforcement system (more on this later). We also chucked in our
Spanish Film Crew to add another dimension to the game (see post end for Film Crew rules)
The Film Crew |
Ideally this works best with 6 players and an Umpire and a decent amount of SCW figures, we use 28mm, however it should work equally well with smaller scale figures. Use your own standard morale rules, Moroccans, Legion and Asaltos being the highest, I have included out figures to give you an idea of how the factions are relative to each other,
We give each company a set amount of ammo at the start of the game by rolling 1 DAv, each time the unit fires it uses 1 round of ammo and yes when you get to zero your out !
We give Moroccan Troops a cover bonus when moving in the open, light cover and woods.
We use Donkeys as ammunition carriers mostly for the comedic effect. Donkeys move at 9" per turn and collect ammo from the entry point to distribute to the fighting units, it drops ammo off as it passes and can always move 9".
Ammo Donkey in action |
Buildings are as they are seen on the table, ie windows and doors are where they are on the model, no shooting out of window less walls. It takes a third of a move to enter a building and a third to move up a floor.
Standard Bearers in the units can remove 1 pin marker per turn (with no test) if they are within 10" of the unit.
Set Up
Game Map
Map Key
A = Cuartel de los Infantes
B = La Bombilla
C = National Institute
D = Foundation El Amo
E = Student Residences
F = School of Pharmacy
G = School of Medicine
H = School of Architecture
I = Builders Yard
J = School of Dentistry
K = School of Agriculture
L = School of Philosophy
M = Casa Granja
N = Palace de la Moncloa
O = Hacia La Puerta Hierno
P = Chapel
Sandy coloured areas are broken ground
Photo of table |
Played on a 12 x 6 table, grid on map are 2ft squares.
Individual Game Briefings (It works a lot better if individual players are not aware of others objectives)
Each player gets an initial 10 rolls on a d10 (6-10 = 10 pesetas) to form an initial cash pot. After that see individual Briefings for cash injections per turn. If it's on your list and available you can buy it, new units appear on the first turn of their activation card (if you remember to put it in the game deck that is ! At the players entry point.
Moroccan Commander (Morale - Officer 11, Sgt 9, Basic 7, Accuracy 4. Special -1 Cover in all 0,-1 or -2 cover areas)
FT17 moves up (slowly) to support the Regulares |
It will be your honour to lead the attack on the right of our line, push into the University and capture as much territory as you can, fighting is what you do, do it, you will begin your attack on the Casa del Campo side of the river by the bridge by La Bombilla, your specific objectives are;
1) Capture and hold two buildings from the enemy.
2) Engage the enemy in Hand to Hand Combat.
3) As an example to your men a Sgt or Officer should die gloriously in Hand to Hand Combat.
4) Destroy an enemy armoured vehicle by hand.
5) Plant the Banderas Flag on top of the Headquarters de los Infants.
6) Kill an enemy with Pistol Fire.
To complete you mission you start the game with
1st Tabor of Regulares each with a 3 fig command team (Off with Pistol, Sgt with Pistol and SMG and a Standard Bearer with flag and rifle) and three companies each with 8 figs (Sgt with SMG/Pistol, 1 2 man LMG team and 5 Rifles).
2nd Tabor of Regulares each with a 3 fig command team (Off with Pistol,
Sgt with Pistol and SMG and a Standard Bearer with flag and rifle) and
three companies each with 8 figs (Sgt with SMG/Pistol, 1 2 man LMG team
and 5 Rifles).
1 x Panzer 1b
A Donkey
You will receive 4 money rolls per turn.
Legion Commander (Morale - Officer 11, Sgt 9, Basic 7. Accuracy 5)
"Viva La Muerta" is your motto and this is no time to be slacking, as we approach our goal of ridding the Capital of the Republican scum, you must be fearless and prepared to sacrifice yourself and your troops to reach our goals. You will begin your game on the Casa del Campo side of the river in the centre of the table. Your specific objectives are,
1) Capture at least two named "Schools"
2) Engage the enemy in Hand to Hand Combat
3) As an example to your men a Sgt or Officer should die gloriously in Hand to Hand Combat.
4) Destroy an enemy armoured vehicle by hand.
5) Plant the flag of the Legion on the roof of the School of Dentistry
6) Kill an enemy Battalion Commander
You start the game with,
1st Legion Bandera each with a 4 fig command team (Off with
Pistol, 2 x Sgt with Pistol and SMG and a Standard Bearer with flag and
rifle) and three companies each with 8 figs (Sgt with SMG/Pistol, 1 2
man LMG team and 5 Rifles).
2nd Legion Bandera each with a 3 fig command team (Off with Pistol,
2 x Sgt with Pistol and SMG and a Standard Bearer with flag and rifle) and
three companies each with 8 figs (Sgt with SMG/Pistol, 1 2 man LMG team
and 5 Rifles).
1 x Panzer 1b
A Donkey
You will receive 4 money rolls per turn.
Carlist Commander (Morale - Officer 9, Sgt 7, Basic 5. Accuracy 4. Special +1 on attack roll in H2H)
Whilst supporting the units of the Army of Africa it is your mission to take revenge on the Communist unbelievers and wipe their traces from the house of god. God walks with us and will reward your sacrifices. You start the game on the Casa del Campo side of the river opposite the furthest left of the Nationalist lines. Your specific objectives are,
1) Gather one of your units together for mass. All companies in a battalion to form an open square and not move or fire for 1 turn whilst a Priest blesses the men.
2) Engage in Hand to Hand Combat.
3) Plant a Carlist Flag in the School of Philosophy
4) Rescue the Chapel from the Infidels
5) Destroy one enemy Battalion
6) Kill an enemy with Pistol Fire.
You start the game with,
1st Carlist Battlion each with a 4 fig command team (Off with
Pistol, Sgt with Pistol a Standard Bearer with flag and
rifle and a runner with a Rifle) and three companies each with 8 figs (Sgt with/Pistol and 7 Rifles).
2nd Carlist Battlion each with a 4 fig command team (Off with
Pistol, Sgt with Pistol a Standard Bearer with flag and
rifle and a runner with a Rifle) and three companies each with 8 figs (Sgt with/Pistol and 7 Rifles).
1 x UNL-35 Armoured Car
A Donkey
You will receive 4 money rolls per turn.
Nationalist Reinforcement Pool
1 Battalion of Guardia Civil (HQ and 3 Companies)
2 Battalions of Legion Bandera (as above)
2 Battalions of Carlists (as above)
T-26 Tank, Trubia Tank, 3 x CV33 Light Tanks
1 x 75mm Artillery Gun, 2 HMG, 1 Heavy Mortar, 1 Light Mortar, 1 Anti Tank Gun
CV33 not rubbish if your opponent only has a push bike |
Nationalist Shopping List
5 pesetas = 1d4 Ammo
10 pesetas = 5 Ammo Chits
10 pesetas = 4" Barracade
20 pesetas = Carlist Company or HQ (you must buy 1 HQ for every 3 Companies)
20 pesetas = Dynamitaroes
20 pesetas = Generic Truck
20 pesetas = Donkey
30 pesetas = Legion or Tabor Company or HQ (see above 3:1ratio)
40 pesetas = Light Mortar
45 pesetas = HMG
50 pesetas = Heavy Mortar
55 pesetas = Armoured Car
60 pesetas = Anti Tank Gun
60 pesetas = Light Tank
70 pesetas = T26
Communist Commander (Morale - Officer 8, Sgt 6, Basic 4, Accuracy 4.)
Irish Internationals advance |
We are here today to show the superior abilities of the Communist Men and Women of the collective, our glorious equipment graciously supplied from Mother Russia will crush the Fashist oppressors, and whilst we are at it we have an opportunity to show up those dirty Anarchists, You will start the game with 1 Battalion on table and you can set up anywhere on your third of the table up to the edge of the park, your remaining battalion will march on from your table edge when they are activated. Your specific objectives are;
1) Conduct a stirring Military Parade through the Park consisting of at least 1 battalion marching 3 abreast and led by 1 Soviet vehicle.
2) Destroy an enemy tank with superior Soviet Armour.
3) Ensure there are more Communists than Anarchists on the table at the end of the game. Although you would like to, you can't shoot them direct, but you never know, Artillery can go astray.
4) Hold the Headquarters de los Infantes at the end of the game.
5) Raise a Brigade Flag on La Bombilla.
6) A Battalion Commander must show leadership by dying for the cause.
To complete you mission you start the game with
Mac Paps Canadian International Brigade Battalion with a 4 fig command team (Off with Pistol, Sgt
with Pistol and SMG a Standard Bearer with flag and rifle and a runner with Rifle) and
three companies each with 8 figs (Sgt with SMG/Pistol
and 7 Rifles). On Table.
Connolly Column Irish Internationals each with a 4 fig command team (Off with Pistol, Sgt
with Pistol and SMG a Standard Bearer with flag and rifle and a runner with Rifle) and
three companies each with 8 figs (Sgt with SMG/Pistol
and 7 Rifles). Marching onto the table.
A Donkey
You will receive 3 money rolls per turn
Assaltos Commander (Morale - Officer 10, Sgt 8, Basic 6, Accuracy 5. Local Militia Morale - Officer 7, Sgt 5, Basic 4. Accuracy 3)
Militia attacking Carlist Troops |
Your main advantage is your training, you know how to use your weapons and for that reason you have been given the toughest job, holding the main body of the University. Along with your troops you are in charge of some local Militia, who are untried and poorly trained. Just to make things more interesting you are sandwiched between Communists and Anarchists, watch out for rounds from your flanks as well as front.
You can set up anywhere on the Madrid side of the river in your third of the table.Your specific objectives are;
1) Destroy an enemy tank by hand.
2) Hold the School of Dentistry at the end of the game.
3) Engage the enemy in hand to hand combat.
4) Kill an enemy with Pistol Fire
5) Use a Sniper to kill an enemy leader.
6) Destroy an enemy vehicle with an indirect round.
To complete you mission you start the game with
1st Assaltos Battalion with a 4 fig command team (Off with Pistol, Sgt
with Pistol and SMG a Standard Bearer with flag and rifle and a runner with Rifle) and
three companies each with 8 figs (Sgt with SMG/Pistol
and 7 Rifles).
Local Militia each with a 3 fig command team (Off with Pistol, Sgt
with Pistol and SMG a Standard Bearer with flag) and
three companies each with 8 figs (Sgt with Pistol
and 7 Rifles).
A Donkey
You will receive 3 money rolls per turn.
Anarchist Elected Spokesperson (Morale - Officer 8, Sgt 6, Basic 4, Accuracy 4.)
Anarchists hold the line. |
You will do what you want when you want and that's that. Anything else is merely a suggestion which will be debated for an hour before deciding a course of action. If you can wind up the Communists do it, if you can take out the believers do it, but make sure that you do it in a random order, conformity will not be tolerated. You will
start the game with 1 Battalion on table and you can set up anywhere on
your third of the table up to and including La Palace de la Moncloa, your remaining
battalion will march on from your table edge when they are activated.
Your specific objectives are;
1) Hold the Chapel from the believers.
2) Have a leader die in hand to hand combat.
3) Destroy an enemy tank by hand.
4) Plant an Anarchist Flag in any Communist held building.
5) Retake a building from the enemy.
6) Get a single figure on the Nationalist side of the river.
To complete you mission you start the game with
Anarchist Militia Battalion 2Z with a 4 fig command team (Off with Pistol, Sgt
with Pistol and SMG a Standard Bearer with flag and rifle and a runner with Rifle) and
three companies each with 8 figs (Sgt with SMG/Pistol
and 7 Rifles). On Table.
Anarchist Militia Battalion R34 each with a 4 fig command team (Off with Pistol, Sgt
with Pistol and SMG a Standard Bearer with flag and rifle and a runner with Rifle) and
three companies each with 8 figs (Sgt with SMG/Pistol
and 7 Rifles). Marching onto the table.
A Donkey.
You will receive 3 money rolls per turn
Republican Reinforcement Pool
2 Battalions of International Brigade (HQ and 3 Companies)
1 Battalion of Assaltos (as above)
1 Battalion of Local Militia
2 Battalions of Anarchists (as above)
2 x T-26 Tanks, 1 UNL35 Armoured Car, 1 Bilbao Armoured Car
5 HMG, 1 Heavy Mortar, 3 Light Mortar, 1 Anti Tank Gun
Nationalist Shopping List
5 pesetas = 1d4 Ammo
10 pesetas = 5 Ammo Chits
10 pesetas = 4" Barracade
15 pestetas = replace two Riflemen in a section with a 2 man LMG team.
20 pesetas = Militia Company or HQ (you must buy 1 HQ for every 3 Companies)
20 pesetas = Dynamitaroes
20 pesetas = Generic Truck
20 pesetas = Donkey
25 pesetas = Int Brigade Company or HQ (see above 3:1 ratio)
30 pesetas = Assaltos Company or HQ (see above 3:1ratio)
40 pesetas = Light Mortar
45 pesetas = HMG
50 pesetas = Heavy Mortar
55 pesetas = Armoured Car
60 pesetas = Anti Tank Gun
60 pesetas = Light Tank
70 pesetas = T26
The Film Crew and Objectives
Each player has a list of 6 objectives to be achieved / attempted. Determine an end point for the game, we tend to work in gaming sessions so we played this for 1 full day and two evening sessions, I would suggest a full day in terms of your rules.
Each player will gain 2 points per completed objective, the player must verbally claim their objective, a claim which will then be verified by the umpire. However any completed objective which is filmed by the Film Crew will gain 4 points. You may complete an objective but not claim it, eg if you hope to complete the objective again when you have the film crew.
The Film Crew is allocated at the start of each turn for one complete turn. We allocated the crew to the player who had one of their unit cards drawn first from the activation deck.
Once you have determined who has control of the Film Crew the controlling player can state to the remaining players that he will either keep the crew that turn OR he can offer it to the other players. If only one player wants the crew the owner and other player can agree a price for the crew. If two or more players want the crew there will be an auction, highest bid wins. All monies must be paid to the original owner of the Film Crew that turn.
The Crew doesn't move, it just appears where the action is that turn, It cannot be targeted however if an Artillery template covers one of the figures, the crew will take cover for the rest of that turn and not film.
Nationalist UNL 35 Armoured Car |
A real fun game, we very much enjoyed the players within a team having different objectives within a common goal, quite different from the side vs side normal game. Hope you enjoyed.