Saturday 18 September 2021

Yarkshire Gamer Podcast - Episode 14 - Robbie Roddis - Peter Gilder


Well it's back to the normal format this episode as I talk to a stalwart of the North East gaming scene Robbie Roddis. Robbie will be well known to many for the great display games he put on over the years with his partner in crime John Reidy.

You can listen to the episode via Podbean or any other Podcast Host or through the widget below,

Robbie has a number of different websites but it was his love of the Borgias and his site dedicated to building his Cesare Army that inspired me to get into the Italian Wars and I think we all know where that went !

Aut Caesar, Aut Nihil (

The first half of the show is dedicated to Robbie and his gaming as well as the usual Yarkshire Gamer Quiz. We discuss many different topics, Robbie loves a chat and has plenty of stories to share, his general wargaming blog can be found on the link below.

The Independent Wargames Group

The final section of the episode is dedicated to one of the greats of our hobby, Peter Gilder, a man associated with Yorkshire through the Wargames Holiday Centre which he founded in a village called Thornton.

Robbie has took it upon himself to get as much info, photographs and articles relating to Peter and put them together on one website. In addition to that he has gathered memories (and a video) of those who attended the WHC when it first began.

Not leaving it there, my guest has interviewed many of those who knew Peter and has gathered together an impressive collection of documents and memories which he has put together in a dedicated website, see below.

Peter Gilder A life in Wargaming

It's great that Robbie has taken the time to put all this information together and I'm sure if you have any similar documents or memories Robbie would love to hear from you.

I think its a fantastic memorial to someone who had a massive effect on our hobby, who (of a certain age !) wasn't influenced by those pictures of Peters figures in the early Wargames Magazines or those Battleground TV shows. If you haven't seen them, you are in for a treat !

(1) gettysburg - YouTube

Don't forget to send in pictures of your "bounce sticks" 

I'm hoping Episode 15 will be out mid October when I will be doing something different again. A bit of a Wargames Magazine Episode with two other Social Media Gamers, Sean Clark (God's Own Scale) and Alex Southeran (Storm of Steel) so we will have perspectives from 6mm to 28mm via 15s.

If you missed Episode 13 with the Nora Batty problem page or you want to listen again with pretty pictures then its available on the Utubes 

Until next time, Sithee

Regards Ken

The Yarkshire Gamer

Wednesday 1 September 2021

Yarkshire Gamer Podcast - Episode 13 - A Grand Old Catch Up


Not wanting to lumber a single guest with Episode 13 I decided it was time to introduce a new, occasional format for the show, The Catch Up.

One thing I noticed with other Podcasts I listen to is that, a guest comes on and announces a game or a new range of figures or an event and that's it you never hear from them again !

I thought it would be interesting to "catch up" with old guests and see how something they spoke about on their Episode went. Such a chat probably wouldn't need a full episode so I came up with the idea of having multiple guests on the same show, each chatting for 20 minutes to half an hour on a certain topic.

The episode is available on all major Podcast hosts or via the direct link below, if you subscribe via Podbean you will get a notification every time an episode is made available

That led me to consider adding other guests who haven't been on the show before to do a shorter format interview. So that's how this idea was born and it was all going so well until my fourth guest for this show had to pull out at the last minute. A bit of a panic, not his fault, a genuine reason but I managed to fill the time with some else new. 

So all in all a different episode, I hope you enjoy it.

I speak with Chris Breeze from Episode 1 about the World War Roses event (Battle of St Albans above) and his involvement in playtesting the new Wars of the Roses Rules, Test of Resolve.

Test of Resolve – Wargame Rules

Next up is Andrew Dickinson from my Wargames Club in Leeds and we talk about the new club venue, the history behind that and the forthcoming show FIASCO at the Royal Armouries in Leeds

Leeds Wargames Club - Organisers of FIASCO

Then its Gareth Lanes turn in the chair, another veteran of Episode One who tells us all about the huge uplifts in his ongoing projects (Retreat from Moscow 1812 above).

Finally I brought forward The Wargames Problem Page to fill the vacated interview slot. Here me and Nora Batty discuss a number of gaming topics, some controversial, some less so.

We are back to the normal format next episode (10th September) for a Peter Gilder special, when I speak to Robbie Roddis about his time in wargaming (including blaming him for getting into The Italian Wars) and his website dedicated to Mr Gilder.

Until then, Sithee

Regards Ken

The Yarkshire Gamer

If you missed Episode 12 with Terrain Black Belt, David Marshall it's out on YouTube, to be honest it's worth watching to see his wonderful buildings on the telly !