Tuesday 17 November 2020

The Great Wargames Figure Count


This could be a long post and is definitely only for the geeks amongst you 🤔, but first a bit of background. A few months back I was interviewed on a Podcast style interview by Winston AB Rees for his Utubes channel, one of the questions he asked me was "How many wargames figures have you got", I guessed at 20,000. But it set me thinking, how many figures have I actually got !

So I counted them up, here are the results, the grand total is at the end of the post and I will put a running total on the side of the blog.

Starting with 28mm, the top photograph is my ECW Royalist collection of 581 figures.

28mm AWI 443 Figures

28mm WW1 932 Figures

28mm Sci Fi / 7tv 146 Figures 

28mm Crusades 356 Figures 

28mm Lord of the Rings 84 Figures 

28mm Spanish Civil War 474

28mm WW2 Desert 581 Figures 

28mm Italian Wars 572 Figures

28mm Ancients 418 Figures 

28mm American Football 59 Figures

For a 28mm total of 4646

20mm Vietnam 398

15mm Napoleonic 5963 figures 

15mm SevenYears War 2302 figures

15mm Ancients 702 figures

15mm WW2 352 Figures

15mm ECW 162 Figures

15mm WotR 115 Figures

Total 15mm figures 9530

10mm Marlborough 276 figures 

6mm ACW 3993 Figures 

6mm WW2 5970 Figures 

6mm Napoleonic 1175 figures 

Total 6mm Figures  11138

1/3000 WW2 Naval 470

1/2400 WW1 Naval 326

Napoleonic Naval  63

1/300 Planes 85

Star Trek 81

For a grand total of 


Right that's that done, off to count the hairs on my dog.


  1. Well I knew it was going to be high, but oh my goodness! Congratulations on having so many wonderful toys!

  2. Well at least now you know for sure. I couldn't guess at my collection - not as many figures I suspect but I really have no idea. A worthwhile exercise.

    1. It killed a bit of Covid lockdown time at least, I will just add to it as I paint now so at least it's done.

  3. Wow! Frankly way more than I thought you'd have. Where do you store it all? You must have a dedicated games room? Anyway, a superb collection and beautifully painted.

    1. Many thanks Steve, yes I am lucky enough to have a dedicated games room, and a few other corners of the house 😉

  4. 27,000??? Holy heck Ken!!! Amazing!

  5. Good Lord! I should think the earth itself is groaning under that weight. Well done!

    1. The games room floor definitely is 🤣 cheers AJ

  6. Wow! Are they all painted?

    Cheers, Ross

    1. Cheers Ross, all 27,000 painted and based, unpainted count that's another task 😁

  7. Bloody hell!!! That's a lot of figures!!!

    1. Cheers Ray, this is why I need to do the AHPC every year, converting the unpainted, one figure at a time 😁

  8. Replies
    1. I have a soft spot for Rohan and want to do a few more, k have loads of unpainted LotR

  9. A very impressive well painted collection. Though I must say I am worried about your poor dog. :)

    1. It can relax, I might count the unpainted stuff next 😂

  10. They look effing amazing. And you’re effing nuts!

  11. Impressive! I have a similar sized collection based on a rough estimate. I've toyed with the idea of an accurate accounting for some time but when I think of the effort to get it all out, count and put away again I usually find something else to do like wash my hair :-P

    1. My thoughts exactly until month 7 of lockdown of some description, now it looks like a really good idea 😁

  12. Huuuge, I thought I was nuts, I have never counted mine,........and guess only about 6000 28mm and 20mm. I sold all of my 15mm years ago and only have two ancient armies and a few moderns in 6mm, a napoleonic fleet, Anglo Dutch wars fleet, Spanish American wars fleet and star wars and Star Trek fleets.

    Possibly should he it all out for a proper count


  13. Lots of very impressive figures! Ships are really nice! I haven't counted mine, we might be in lockdown but I've got to go to work!
    Best Iain

    1. I'm still at work as well in Iain it's the games room empty of people that's driving this particular madness !

  14. Very impressive numbers!
    Now I know what to say to my wife if she starts complaining that I bought a new box :)

    1. Many thanks Dimitry, I tell my wife I could always go to the pub instead, she prefers me painting 😁

  15. Wow!! That's many many years of painting...haha..

  16. Thanks, I feel so much better about my much smaller collection...

  17. Glorious! Although I can't help think that it's one of things that it's better not to know..

    1. Many thanks, I'm glad I've done it now, I can just keep it updated from now on

  18. Ken.....whatever happened to the X wings??


    1. Hi Ian, firstly sorry I haven't been on here for a couple of days, your Post only shows when I approve it 👍

      As for the X Wings, they were bought pre painted so as they weren't from my hand I haven't counted them, similarly I haven't counted the couple of thousand figures belonging to others that are stored here 😁
