It's that time again, the monthly video update on the goings on at Yarkshire Gamer, still no gaming and the Govt announcements today mean it will be another 2 weeks at least.
So tune in and drop out !
5 new units this month, the 28mm Artisan WW1 Arab Revolt Cavalry in the top pic. The Kingdom of Jerusalem Knights.

Some WW1 Turkish Cavalry
Some Crusades Command Bases
And some Carthaginians
I'm losing hope of getting any gaming in for a long time so back to the paints it is.
Just came across your site. Excellent painting and nicely displayed on the bases. I was especially interested in the Arab revolt / Turkish cavalry as I'm currently gaming the Sinai in 28mm - Delta Coy Blog. Interested in any figure recommendations you may have. I'm using mainly Copplestone, Woodbine and Empress Miniatures. Cheers Greg
ReplyDeleteMany thanks, welcome to Yarkshire Gamer.
DeleteI'm on a bit of an epic journey myself at the moment trying to find suitable Cavalry for Mesopotamia.
Other than the ones you have Artizan do a lovely Arab Revolt range with the Cavalry above plus Camel and dismounted troops, if you scroll down the WW1 in the East tab you will ring lots of previous related content.
The Turkish Cavalry above are from Minifigs. I also have some new Turkish Cavalry from a Company called Tiger Miniatures which are on the August 2020 Video Update, I don't judge figs until I've painted them, but first impressions are good 👍
Regards Ken
The Yarkshire Gamer