Lorings Division at the start of the game |
It's that time of year again, blow the dust off my big 6mm ACW collection and do a bit of Johnny Reb 2 gaming. A firm favourite since my late teens it's always good to come back to a spot of JR2.
It's always a challenge to select a decent battle with so many to choose from. Last year's Gaines Mill battle saw me having to
knock out a quick Division of Confederates even this year's more modest battle needed a rapid paint job on some more Artillery for both sides.
The scenario was inspired by the Champion Hill game in the book above. Although this (and the War in the West book) are for the Across A Deadly Field rules (or JR IV as they should be called. They are packed with great info, maps and orbats, which can be used for any rule set. Highly recommended.
The Corner |
Top tip for any rule writer, STOP messing about with your basing between rule versions ! If I have painted 3 Corps worth of Union and 2 Corps of Confederates for one rule system I am not rebasing them repeatedly for what are essentially upgraded versions of the same game ! Rant over.
A J Smith's troops move up. |
Historical Background
Champion Hill was without doubt the pivotal moment in the Vicksburg Campaign in the East, Grants Union Troops attacked Pembertons Confederates who had formed a defensive line along a ridge which overlooked the Jackson Creek.
The edge of the Confederate line formed an L shape with S D Lees Alabama Brigade holding the Left flank. Grant ordered a general attack along the line with the main thrust coming at the junction of the L shape.
The battle on Champion Hill raged back and forth but the Rebels just didn't have enough troops in the area to hold out indefinitely. Pemberton pleaded with Loring to send Confederate units from his quieter sector of the Battle but he refused.
The timing here was crucial, Grant attacked in force again on the Hill and broke through just as Loring decided to send help. It was too late, the Union Army was victorious. Pemberton had no choice other than retreating the 20 miles to Vicksburg where they eventually surrendered after a siege.
Blairs Union Troops prepare to advance |
Set Up
We used the whole of our 12 x 6 ft table using 6mm Adler Miniatures and Johnny Reb 2 rules for the battle, which uses a 20 to one figure scale.
Deployment areas are as shown on the map.
The game begins at 11.30 am (JR2 has 15 minute turns)
I have included a detailed orbat below, I normally put this first before the AAR but I have had some right issues with this post formatting wise. I imported the orbats in from Excel and it seems to have caused a shed collapse in the old computer.
Confederate Mounted troops to the rescue (they weren't actually needed) |
Well it's not every day that you completely change the course of History is it, this refight was one of those days. In what seemed like a shoe in for the boys in dark blue it all went quite wrong, quite quickly.
The battle neatly breaks down at the start into three very separate fights,
- The action at the bottom of the table where AJ Smith and Blairs Union Troops attack the Confederates along Coker House Ridge.
- Osterhaus trying to break through the Rebel troops barricaded in the woods to the East of Champion Hill
- The main attack on Champion Hill itself
Bowen waits to either be attacked or support Champion Hill |
In the 1st area the 4 Union brigades are never really going to trouble the Confederates lining Coker House Ridge, outnumbered and disadvantaged in terms of terrain it's very much a no go in terms of a break through.
Union Troops deploy opposite Coker House Ridge. |
However they do have an important role in the battle, the more Confederates they can hold on the ridge and prevent from reinforcing Champion Hill the better chances the main assault should have.
As the Confederates wait. |
I played this part of the Rebel line, Ian the troops opposite, we had our own little battle that had no real effect on the main event to my left. I managed to get the mounted elements of my force and Cockrills Brigade in motion towards Champion Hill, but events in that location meant they weren't actually needed.
Jacksons small but potent force lie in wait. |
In the woods to the East of Champion Hill the small brigade of lightly armed Rebels waited behind their barricades for Osterhaus to attack.
No matter how hard they tried the Union Troops just couldn't break the thin grey line. Garrards Union Brigade battered against the wooden barrier but it was in vain, high casualties and poor dice routing the Brigade.
Finally the Union Troops break through the woods |
It took some doing but finally the Union Troops broke the small brigade of Confederate troops but it was too late in the day. The battle had been decided on Champion Hill itself.
Over on the Hill things were rather less sedate, things went badly wrong for the Union troops from the get go and it really didn't get much better.
Turn 1, the beginning of the end |
Logan's Union Division was the first to come a cropper, with a Brigade Commander called Leggett, who would have thought !
Some relatively long range Artillery fire and the skirmish line from Lee's Confederate units caused some reasonable but not usually final damage to Leggetts troops before the curse of the dice arrived. I can't recall ever seeing so many 2s and 3s with 2d6 in such a short space of time, units were going backwards initially and then after another set of what can only be described as "poor" dice one Union Brigade was off the table and on the way home.
The main Union attack on Champion Hill looks unstoppable |
The Union Commander came on to Champion Hill in Brigade Column, no messing about here, great for assaulting positions, if you get in, but very heavy on casualties.
The first column hit the 56th Georgia Regt causing it to rout, things were looking up for the boys in blue.
1st blood to the Union |
But with the earlier rout Lee was able to bring his troops off the hill and onto the flank of the advancing US columns. It wasn't pretty as the casualties mounted up, with a bit of time to breath the Confederates reorganised the lines and waited for round two.
The new CSA line |
The extra casualties on the advancing Union Brigades proved crucial, as did some spectacularly poor dice throwing (again), tests were failed and two more Brigades were routing.
Has someone seen a white rabbit, RUN AWAY ! |
The next two Brigade Columns with the help of some Rebel fire and more, you guessed it, poor dice, saw the routing columns and decided that attacking the hill was not such a good idea after all.
With 5 brigades lost in a short space of time and Confederate troops redeploying from other areas of the Battlefield to strengthen those units on Champion Hill, the Union Commander called off the attack and the Rebel Yell of victory sounded along the line.
Grant will not like what he can see. |
So there you have it history changed, our result would certainly have altered the course of the Vicksburg Campaign but would it have changed the outcome ?
So that's ACW for this year, our next battle sees us staying in the US, but travelling further back in time to the AWI and Monmouth Courthouse, see you there.
All Union Commanders are +1 apart from Grant who is +2, all troops have Rifle Muskets.
All reinforcements arrive either on road A or B in column with the guns of the brigade at the rear. New reinforcements cannot enter the table if the entry point is blocked. Entry points and times are shown next to the Brigade Commanders.
For units on table at the start of the game see the above map for deployment areas.
Number of figures at the start of the game are shown in the third column, with losses in our game in the final column. I have also added a note is the entire Brigade had routed at the end of the game.
Apologies for the amount of text before a picture, for some reason the program wouldn't let me post in the imported orbat.
Garrards Brigade advance towards Confederates barracaded in the woods |
S Grant ( Turn1 @ B) |
Ex Army Commander |
McClernand(Turn 1 @A) |
Ave XIII Corps Com |
Div Osterhaus (Turn 1@A) |
Ave (XIII Corps) |
Brig Garrard (Turn 1 @A) |
Ave (Div Osterhaus) |
Routed Brig |
Lost Figs |
118th Illinois |
RM Vet |
27 Figs |
8 |
49th Indiana |
RM Elite |
12 Figs |
6 |
69th Indiana |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
6 |
7th Kentucky |
RM Elite |
18 Figs |
10 |
7th Michigan
Lt Art |
Vet |
6 x 3"R |
Brig Lindsey (Turn 4 @ A) |
Ave (Div Osterhaus) |
22nd Kentucky |
RM Vet |
27 Figs |
16th Ohio |
RM Elite |
18 Figs |
3 |
42nd Ohio |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
114th Ohio |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
1st Wisconsin
Lt Art |
Vet |
3 x 20pdr Par |
Div A J Smith (On table turn 1) |
Ave (XIII Corps) |
Burbridge (On table Turn 1) |
Ave (Div A J Smith) |
16th Indiana |
RM Elite |
18 Figs |
4 |
67th Indiana |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
5 |
83rd Ohio |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
6 |
23rd Wisconsin |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
12 |
Mercantile Art |
Vet |
3 x 12pdr N |
2 Guns |
Brig Landrum (On table turn 1) |
Ave (Div A J Smith) |
77th Illinois |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
2 |
97th Illinois |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
130th Illinois |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
19th Kentucky |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
48th Ohio |
RM Elite |
18 Figs |
17th Ohio Lt
Art |
Vet |
3 x 10pdr Par |
1 gun |
Div Hovey (On table turn 1) |
Ave (XIII Corps) |
Brig McGinnis (On table turn 1) |
Ave (Div Hovey) |
11th Indiana |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
12 |
24th Indiana |
RM Elite |
24 Figs |
4 |
34th Indiana |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
1 |
46th Indiana |
RM Elite |
24 Figs |
1 |
29th Wisconsin |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
1 |
2nd Ohio Lt
Art |
Vet |
3 x 10pdr Par |
Brig Slack (On table turn 1) |
Ave (Div Hovey) |
47th Indiana |
RM Elite |
24 Figs |
12 |
56th Ohio |
RM Vet |
30 Figs |
2 |
24th Iowa |
RM Vet |
27 Figs |
3 |
28th Iowa |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
3 |
16th Ohio Lt
Art |
Trained |
3 x 12pdr N |
Bty A 1st
Missouri Lt Art |
Vet |
3 x 3" R |
Div Carr (Turn 6 @A) |
Ave (XIII Corps) |
Brig Benton (Turn 7 @A) |
Ave (Div Carr) |
33rd Illinois |
RM Elite |
18 Figs |
99th Illinois |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
8th Indiana |
RM Elite |
18 Figs |
18th Indiana |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
Bty A 2nd
Illinois Lt Art |
Vet |
2 x 12pdr N |
Brig Lawler (Turn 10 @ A) |
Ave (Div Carr) |
21st Iowa |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
22nd Iowa |
RM Vet |
27 Figs |
23rd Iowa |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
11th Wisconsin |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
1st Indiana Lt
Art |
Vet |
3 x 12pdr N |
Div Blair (On Table turn 1) |
Ave (XIII Corps) |
Brig G
Smith (On table turn 1) |
Ave (Div Blair) |
113th Illinois |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
4 |
116th Illionis |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
6th Missouri |
RM Elite |
18 Figs |
8th Missouri |
RM Elite |
18 Figs |
1st Btn 13th
US |
RM Elite |
18 Figs |
Bty A 1st
Illinois Lt Art |
Vet |
3 x 3"R |
1 gun |
Brig T K
Smith (On table turn 1) |
Ave (XIII Corps) |
55th Illinois |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
127th Illinois |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
83rd Indiana |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
54th Ohio |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
57th Ohio |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
Bty B 1st
Illinois Lt Art |
Vet |
3 x 12pdr N |
McPherson (Turn 1@B) |
Ave XVII Corps Comm |
Div Logan (Turn 1 on table) |
Ave (XVII Corps) |
Brig J E
Smith (T1 on table) |
Ave (Div Logan) |
Routed Brigade |
20th Illinois |
RM Elite |
24 Figs |
17 |
31st Illinois |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
6 |
45th Illinois |
RM Elite |
24 Figs |
11 |
124th Illinois |
RM Trained |
24 Figs |
6 |
23rd Indiana |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
4 |
Bty Rogers 1st
Illinois Art |
Vet |
2 x 24pdr How |
Brig Leggett (Turn 1 on table) |
Ave (Div Logan) |
Routed Brigade |
30th Illinois |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
15 |
20th Ohio |
RM Vet |
27 Figs |
6 |
68th Ohio |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
7 |
78th Ohio |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
11 |
Bty Bolton 1st
Illinois Art |
Trained |
2 x 10pdr Par |
8th Michigan
Art |
Vet |
3 x 12pdr N |
Stevenson (Turn 1 on table) |
Ave (Div Logan) |
Routed Brigade |
8th Illinois |
RM Elite |
18 Figs |
13 |
81st Illinois |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
15 |
7th Missouri |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
15 |
32nd Ohio |
RM Elite |
18 Figs |
11 |
3rd Ohio
Battery |
Elite |
3 x 3" R |
Div Crocker (Turn 10 @ B) |
Ave (XVII Corps) |
Brig Sanborn (Turn 8 @B) |
Ave (Div Crocker) |
48th Indiana |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
59th Indiana |
RM Elite |
18 Figs |
4th Minnesota |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
18th Wisconsin |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
Brig Holmes (Turn 12 @ B) |
Ave (Div Crocker) |
17th Iowa |
RM Elite |
18 Figs |
10th Missouri |
RM Vet |
30 Figs |
Brig Boomer (Turn 10 @ B) |
Ave (Div Crocker) |
93rd Illinois |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
5th Iowa |
RM Elite |
24 Figs |
26th Missouri |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
Brig Sandborn (Turn 8 @ B) |
Ave (XVII Corps) |
1st Missouri
Lt Art |
Vet |
3 x 12pdr N |
11th Ohio Lt
Art |
Vet |
3 x 12pdr N |
6th Wisconsin
Lt Art |
Vet |
3 x 3" R |
12th Wisconsin
Lt Art |
Trained |
2 x 6pdr |
Bty D 1st
Illinois Lt Art |
Vet |
2 x 24pdr How |
2nd Illinois
Cav (Ind) |
Vet |
12 x BLC |
Logans troops begin their assault on Champion Hill |
As Union Orbat, except Brigade commanders are rated individually and all units start the game on table however some are restricted.
Each Confederate Brigade may defend its own set up area with no restrictions however to reflect the poor command and control on the day of the battle brigades may not move out of their deployment areas until the time stated below. If nothing is shown by the Brigade Commander they are free to move from turn 1.
All the Confederates have Rifle Muskets which I thought a little unusual but those who know a lot more than me were happy that Pembertons Army was well equipped. I also gave the Sharpshooter units suitable weapons.

Pemberton |
Ave Army Commander |
Div Loring |
Ave |
Brig Tilghman |
Ave (Div Loring) |
Confederate Btn. |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
6th Miss |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
23rd Miss |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
26th Miss |
RM Vet |
27 Figs |
9 |
Bty C 14th
Miss Art |
Vet |
2 x 3"R |
Bty G 1st Miss
Art |
Vet |
3 x 10pdr Par |
Brig Buford (Turn 8) |
Ave (Div Loring) |
27th Alabama |
RM Vet |
27 Figs |
35th Alabama |
RM Elite |
24 Figs |
54th Alabama |
RM Vet |
27 Figs |
55th Alabama |
RM Trained |
27 Figs |
9th Arkansas |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
3rd Kentucky |
RM Vet |
27 Figs |
12th Louisiana |
RM Elite |
24 Figs |
Bty A
Bouanchauds Art |
Vet |
2 x 24pdr How |
Bty B
Bouanchauds Art |
Vet |
2 x 12pdr N |
Featherston |
Ave (Div Loring) |
3rd Miss |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
1 |
22nd Miss |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
31st Miss |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
33rd Miss |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
1st Miss
Sharpshooters |
SSRifle Elite |
12 Figs |
Bty D 1st Miss
Lt Art |
Vet |
2 x 12pdr N |
1 |
Div Stevenson |
Ave |
Brig Barton |
Ave (Div Stevenson) |
40th Georgia |
RM Vet |
30 Figs |
41st Georgia |
RM Trained |
30 Figs |
42nd Georgia |
RM Trained |
30 Figs |
43rd Georgia |
RM Trained |
30 Figs |
52nd Georgia |
RM Trained |
36 Figs |
Cherokee Bty |
Vet |
3 x 3" R |
Brig S D Lee |
Ave (Div Stevenson) |
20th Alabama |
RM Elite |
18 Figs |
5 |
23rd Alabama |
RM Vet |
27 Figs |
5 |
30th Alabama |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
1 |
31st Alabama |
RM Vet |
30 Figs |
46th Alabama |
RM Vet |
27 Figs |
12 |
Skirmishers |
SSR Elite |
18 Figs |
9 |
Alabama Art |
Trained |
3 x 12pdr N |
Brig Cumming |
Ave (Div Stevenson) |
34th Georgia |
RM Trained |
24 Figs |
12 |
36th Georgia |
RM Trained |
24 Figs |
5 |
56th Georgia |
RM Vet |
27 Figs |
12 rout |
57th Georgia |
RM Trained |
27 Figs |
5 |
39th Georgia |
RM Trained |
24 Figs |
9 |
Virginia Art |
Vet |
2 x 3"R |
1 gun |
Bty A 1st Miss
Art |
Vet |
2 x 12pdr N |
Brig J F B
Jackson |
Ex (Div Stevenson) |
Jacksons Light |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
12 |
20th Miss Mtd
Rifles |
RM Elite |
18 Figs |
11 |
Reynolds (Turn 6) |
Ave (Div Stevenson) |
3rd Tennessee |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
31st Tennessee |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
43rd Tennessee |
RM Vet |
27 Figs |
49th Tennessee |
RM Vet |
27 Figs |
Maryland Art |
Vet |
3 x 3"R |
Div Bowen (Turn 6) |
Ex |
Brig Cockrell (Turn 6) |
Ex (Div Bowen) |
1st Missouri |
RM Elite |
27 Figs |
2nd Missouri |
RM Elite |
24 Figs |
3rd Missouri |
RM Elite |
18 Figs |
5th Missouri |
RM Elite |
18 Figs |
6th Missouri |
RM Vet |
27 Figs |
Wades Missouri
Art |
Elite |
3 x 10 pdr Par |
Missouri Art |
Elite |
2 x 24pdr How |
Missouri Art |
Elite |
2 x 12pdr N |
Brig Green (Turn 6) |
Ex (Div Bowen) |
15th Arkansas |
RM Elite |
27 Figs |
19th Arkansas |
RM Vet |
24 Figs |
21st Arkansas |
RM Elite |
24 Figs |
12th Arkansas
Sharpshooters |
SSR Elite |
12 Figs |
Missouri Art |
Elite |
2 x 10pdr Par |
Lowes Missouri
Art |
Vet |
2 x 12pdr N |
2 guns |
1st Arkansas
Cavalry |
RM Vet |
18 Figs |
1st Missouri
Cavalry |
RM Elite |
24 Figs |
Adams Miss
Cav (Ind) |
BLC Vet |
18 Figs |
where did you get this OOB from?
ReplyDeleteIn the post above, 3rd paragraph 👍 any changes were to fit with available figures