A 28mm English Civil War Game
Last weekend saw the dust blown off another one of our groups collections, English Civil War. As a strong Royalist this one is personal, it helps having a couple of the other lot in our group to keep things balanced. However its my blog ! They used to say it was the victor who wrote History, now its the blog owner. We have access to three large collections so there is plenty of choice battle wise, in fact this game got me interested again in the period and I'm putting together a Cropedy Bridge Scenario for later in the year.
The scenario is based on the one contained in
English Civil War Gaming Scenarios Vol 2 by Robert Giglio published by Partizan Press, well worth buying its available from
Caliver Books
Historical Context
Prince Rupert, Boy and a spurious banner |
At the start of 1644 His Royal Highness King Charles had received reinforcements from Ireland and had directed Rupert to restore Royalist fortunes in the North of England. The parliamentarian rebels in the Midlands had at the same time committed forces to besiege the Royalist town of Newark, held with a strong garrison and good defences it held out after an initial assault in early March so in the tradition of the time the process of a formal siege began.
On the 12th of March the King directed Rupert who was in Chester at the time to break the siege, setting off he went via Shrewsbury collecting forces en route. Rupert arrived on the field with his Cavalry, the Infantry just behind to find Roundhead Cavalry on the field along with Infantry and Artillery set up in the ruins of an old Hospice (The Spittal) and some Earthen Works.
The garrison of Newark, wall not to scale ! |
Game Set Up 12 x 6 ft |
The game for the Royalists begins with Rupert and Loughboroughs Cavalry Brigades on the table, with the Shrewsbury and Loughboroughs Brigades of Foot marching on table in turn 1. Also set up is the Newark Garrison safe behind the substantial walls of Newark (much more substantial than the 15mm walls in the photos, note to self buy 28mm walls).
Royalist Artillery fire at The Spittal |
Waiting for them are Rossiters and Thornhaughs Brigades of Horse. Defending the Spittal is Norfolks Foot, whilst Kings Brigade hold the Earthen Fort (1 gun and 1 battalion) and area around it. Also set up are one heavy gun and 1 Medium Gun facing Newark, these are not used initially as they are considered to be conducting the day to day work of reducing the city walls. They only become active if a) the garrison Sally forth or b) the guns are directly threatened by Royalist Troops.
After turn 2 each sides rolls 2d6 if they roll under the current game turn their re enforcements arrive, the Royalists where the Foot entered on Turn 1 and the parliament troops over the bridge of boats. When Royalist re enforcements arrive this is also the signal for the Garrison to sally forth, it is for the Royalist Commander to decide when or if they do.
Objective is simple, break the siege. Orders of Battle are for our set of rules which is loosely based around Forlorn Hope, the definitions should be easily transferable to other sets of rules.
parliament Orbat
Foote of Parhams Brigade defending The Spittal late in the game |
Army Commander
Sir John Meldrum LV 2
Commander of Foot
Sir Michael Hobart LV 1
The Nofolk Brigade (The Spittal)
Sir John Palgrave LV 1
Hobarts Norfolk Regt of Foote, 24 Figs, 2 Musket to 1 Pike, Raw
Palgraves Norfolk Regt of Foote 24 Figs, 2:1, Raw
1 Medium Gun, 4 Crew, Trained
Kings Brigade (The Earthen Fort)
Col Edward King LV1
Kings Lincolnshire Regt of Foote, 24 Figs, 2:1, Raw
Meldrums Regt of Foote, 20 Figs, 2:1, Veteran
Nottingham Trained Band, 24 Figs, 2:1, Trained
1 Medium Gun, 4 Crew, Trained
Commander of Horse
Sir Edward Hartrop LV1
Thornhaughs Brigade
Sir Francis Thornhaugh LV2
Thornhaughs Regt of Horse, 9 Figures, Trained Gallopers
Lord Greys Regt of Horse, 9 Figures, Trained Trotters
Yorkshire Horse, 6 Figures, Trained Gallopers
Rossiters Brigade
Col Edward Rossiter
Rossiters Regt of Horse, 9 Figures, Trained Gallopers
Bingleys Regt of Horse, 6 Figures, Raw Trotters
Lord Willoughbys Regt of Horse, 9 Figures, Trained Gallopers
Independent Artillery (in earth works facing Newark)
1 x Heavy Gun, 5 Crew, Trained
1 x Medium Gun, 4 Crew Trained
Roundhead Artillery fire round a Coke Bottle onto Newark |
Parnhams Brigade of Foote
Lord Willoughby of Parnham LV 1
Parnhams Regt of Foote, 24 Figs, 2:1 Trained
Greys Regt of Foote, 20 Figs, 2:1, Raw
Derbyshire Trained Band, 24 Figs, 2:1, Raw
Hartrops Brigade of Horse
Sir Edward Hartrop Jnr LV1
Derbyshire Horse, 12 Figs, Trained Trotters
Leicestershire Horse, 9 Figs, Raw Trotters
Capt Buffs Dragoons, 6 Figs, Trained
Royalist Orbat
Army Commander, Commander of Horse
Prince Rupert LV3
Ruperts Brigade of Horse, led by the man himself
Prince Ruperts Lifeguard, 6 Figures, Veteran / Elite / Gallopers
Prince Ruperts Regt of Horse, 12 Figs, Veteran / Elite / Gallopers
Sir Charles Gerrards Regt of Horse, 6 Figs, Veteran Gallopers
Loughboroughs Brigade of Horse,
Lord Loughborough LV2
Loughboroughs Regt of Horse, 12 Figures Trained Gallopers
Dallisons Regt of Horse, 12 Figures, Trained Gallopers
Bagots Regt of Horse, 9 Figures, Raw Gallopers
Campdens Regt of Horse, 9 Figures, Raw Gallopers
Commander of Foot
Maj-Gen Henry Tillier LV 2
The Shrewsbury Brigade
Col Robert Broughton LV1
Broughtons Regt of Foot, 20 Figs, 2:1 Veteran
Tilliers Regt of Foot, 20 Figs, 2:1 Veteran
Hunckes Regt of Foot, 16 Figs, 2:1, Veteran
1 x Medium Gun, 4 Crew, Trained
Lord Loughboroughs Brigade
Lt-Col Arthur Gorges LV1
Loughboroughs Regt of Foote, 20 Figs, 2:1 Trained
Lucas' Regt of Foote, 20 Figs, 2:1, Raw
Campdens Regt of Foote, 16 Figs, Raw
1 x Medium Gun, 4 Crew Trained
Tilliers Foot |
Re Enforcements
Porters Brigade of Foote
Col George Porter LV1
Freschville's Regt of Foote, 16 Figs, 2:1, Raw
Millwards Regt of Foote, 20 Figs, 2:1, Raw
Porters Brigade of Horse
Sir John Harpur LV1
Porters Regt of Horse, 6 Figs, Trained / Elite / Gallopers
Harpurs Regt of Horse, 9 Figures, Raw Gallopers
Eyres Regt of Horse, 9 Figures, Raw Gallopers
Freschvilles Regt of Horse, 9 Figures, Raw Gallopers
Newark Garrison
Sir Richard Byron LV1
Digbys Regt of Foote, 24 Figs, 2:1, Trained
1st Newark Trained Band, 24 Figs, 2:1,Raw
2nd Newark Trained Band, 24 Figs, 2:1 Raw
Norfolks Foote defending The Spittal |
I have given all the Royalist Foote Pike, it is known that the Shrewsbury Foote left Chester with no pike however we had a three ECW newbies in our game so having all the same Foot the same ratio made life a lot easier for all. I'll conclude this piece shortly with a separate AAR.