Monday 1 July 2024

World Cup of Historical Wargames Miniature Manufacturers ROUND 1

Here we go with Round 1 where the 16 Manufacturers who recieved the highest number of votes in the Preliminary Round play off against each other to earn the right to meet a seed in Round 2 (Perrys, Foundry etc await).

I'll use this page for all of Round 1, putting the links to the voting for each Round as results as they happen, apologies the voting is restricted to Facebook as I haven't found a suitable alternative.

There will be one new vote each day and each vote lasts 3 days


The World Cup is off, A proper David and Goliath match up, between Warlord and Bloody Miniatures, can a small focused quality range beat a huge multi scale multi period company, we've got three days to find out, link below to FB vote

This vote ended 4th July 2024 Bloody Miniatures won with 62% (357 votes) against Warlord Games 38% (218 votes) a big shock in the first game !

Day 2 is Round 1 Game 2 and this sees Empress Miniatures take on Wargames Atlantic 

Empress Miniatures came second in the Preliminary Round and are best known for their 28mm metal ranges which simply ooze quality, there are so many ranges to choose from but my personal favourites are the Spanish Civil War and ECW ranges.

Wargames Atlantic specialises in 28mm plastic boxes sets and produces some excellent figures that often fill a gap in the existing market, a highlight for me is the 28mm WW2 Partizan range which is top quality and highly versatile.

Can we forgive WA for the Landsknecht Ogre Box or will Empress take home the crown, we've got three days to find out 😁

Day 3 match up is the Renaissance Bowl between TAG and Steelfist, both manufacturers of high quality 28mm metal figures for the ........ Renaissance (as well as other periods)

Tough choice as I love them both, vote on the link below

If you vote once today make it in game 4 of the World Cup of Historical Wargames Miniature Manufacturers 

Today's match up is of two very different companies 

The Plastic Soldier Company or PSC have brought an affordable range of WW2 figures and models to the hobby, the kits and Soldiers are available in multiple scales and are easy to put together, a great way to build some impressive armies.

Gripping Beast are best known for their 28mm Ancient to Medieval ranges which are available in both metal and plastic. Their figures are full of detail and character and grace many tabletops throughout the land.

Who will prevail, we have 3 days to find out.

Get voting, Regards Ken 

Did you forget to vote yesterday, well why not vote today in Game 5 of the Wargames Miniature Manufacturers World Cup, its an interesting match up but there can be only one, head over to the Yarkshire Gamer FB page to put your X in the box
#wargames #wargaming #Miniatures