A Straight Up Squadron Fight with a Twist.
Ships of both sides dodge the Heavy Lasers |
Welcome back, if you didn't know this
is a continuation of the X Wing Campaign, full explanation
and details of Campaign rules are
here. The set up page is updated on a regular basis. Please note this is the first game with the upgraded Imperial List.
Mission Briefing
We sent you on a holiday and a planet blew up !
Heading back to base in disgrace you have hitched a ride on board a Rebel Frigate, the Nautilus.
Everything is going well until your host comes under attack from an Imperial Frigate, the Captain of Nautilus unceremoniously boots you out of the air lock in your ships to defend against incoming Empire Fighters.
You just see the Captain smile and say "Watch out for the Beam Weapons" as the airlock closes.
May the Force be with you"
Team Scum (Rebel that is) |
Team "Rebel Scum"
Rick O'Shea in his K6/B Wing (Hex Ace) (Squadron Leader)
Spike Sharpie, PS 4 E Wing (Quad Ace)
Pop Cicle, PS 4 K-Wing (Ace)
Captain Tangent, PS3 T-70 X Wing
Ensign W K Junior PS4 T-70 X Wing (Ace)
Laa Laa Dameron PS1 T-70 X Wing (Rookie)
Fancy Stuff |
New Stuff |
Old Stuff |
Team "Glorious Empire"
Tie Defender PS5 Countess Ryad with Heavy Laser Cannon
Tie Defender PS1 Delta Sqn Pilot Pilot with Heavy Laser Cannon
Tie Advanced PS2 Tempest Sqn Pilot with Assault Missiles
Tie FO, PS 8 Omega Leader
Tie FO PS4 Epsilon Ace
Tie FO PS3 Zeta Squadron Pilot
Tie Fighter, PS 5 "Winged Gundark"
Tie Fighter x 2, 2 PS4
ship selection is as follows,1 Tie per
Rebel, half old, half FO the first Tie will be a random named pilot, the next two Ties are random Sqn Pilots (Roll a d6, 1 or 2 PS1, 3 or 4 PS3 and 5 or 6
PS4). Add 1 Random Imperial reinforcement per two Rebel Players.
Close Combat |
Set Up
should be played on a 4 x 3 table.
Set up
Rebel Players set up on their table edge
players set up on their table edge.
There is no other Terrain.
The game will last a maximum of 10 turns.
See Special Rules for game play.
Melee |
Special Rules
Beam Weapons - this game has a slightly different sequence of play to standard rules please read carefully.
1) All players will choose their dials, move their ships and chose their actions as normal.
2) Roll 1d6 and on a 1-3 the Rebel Frigate fires it Beam Weapon, 4-6 and the Imperial Ship Fires.
3) Roll 1d10 to determine the Point of Origin (POO) on the edge of the table from where the fire is coming from, 1 being the left hand corner, 2 4" in from that corner, 3 8" and so on with 10 being the opposite corner. Place whatever you are using to represent the Beam Weapon at that point (we used a rather snazzy laser pen thingy but a bit of string would do).
4) Then determine the Point of Impact (POI) on the opposing table edge using the same dice method and place the track of the beam weapon on the playing surface.
The Beam Weapon fires across the table |
5) The Beam has the following effects.
a) The Beam blocks all primary and secondary weapons (you cant fire across the beam)
b) The Beam blocks all bomb effects
c) The Beam breaks any target locks
d) Ships in the Beam have all the above effects (cant fire or be fired at)
e) Any ship which ends its turn with any part of its base in the beam will receive 4 Attack Die
which can
ONLY be modified by straight evade dice (no actions, no abilities, nothing)
f) If more than one ship is in the beam the ship nearest the POO will be hit first, the next ship is
attacked by any remaining die, so 1st ship hit twice, 2nd ship gets 2 AD.
g) If the beam reaches the other side of the table with 4 AD left (i.e. it has not touched a ship or
has attacked ships and not hit them) 1 hit is scored on the opposing Frigate.
Post Beam Weapon Movement - Once the track of the weapon is determined and before its effects are worked out players can chose to change their action. This can
only be done however to move onto, off or across the beam.
Players may sacrifice a Focus or Evade token to use a Boost or Barrel Roll action to move as described above, if your ship has a barrel roll or boost action as standard you can fire as normal subject to standard game rules and Beam Weapon restrictions.
If you ship cannot Barrel Roll or Boost, either because your ship doesn't have that action or you have already used that action this turn, you may use a Barrel Roll or Boost to move on, off or across the Beam however you may not fire any weapons.
Jump to Hyperspace - To leave the table you need to declare
your attempt and then try and gain 2 critical hits, hits from previous
rolls carry forward. You cannot attempt to jump until after turn 4.
Turn 1. Roll 3 attack die
Turn 2. Roll 3 attack die + Pilot Skill / 2 (round up)
Turn 3. Automatically jump
Frigates - Each Frigate has 4 hit points and is destroyed on the 4th hit, Frigates cannot be damaged by anything other than the beam weapons.
Victory Conditions
Rebel Victory - The Imperial Frigate is destroyed.
Imperial Victory - The Rebel Frigate is destroyed.
Draw - Any other result.
How did we get on
Six Rebel pilots mustered for the game and this week saw our first new Rookie join the ranks for a while, so everyone welcome Laa Laa Dameron, Poes younger, rounder and yellower brother.
Imperials started well with their ship selection from the new upgraded list bagging themselves a pair of Defenders with Heavy Lasers and a Advanced with Assault Missiles, the pilots however where a bit of a let down with a PS1 on one of the defenders and a PS2 in the advanced, oh the joy of randomness.
The Beam Weapon rules worked really well (will have to use these again) and caused the maximum amount of mayhem they where designed to produce. A number of times a perfect shot was spoilt by a beam weapon crossing the line of fire, at one stage 2 Ties had got behind the K Wing with a great shot only for the Beam to place itself between the foes.
The first Beam Weapon hit was caused by the Imperials but after that the die roll to determine who fired stuck stubbornly with the Rebels and on a number of occasions Empire Pilots had to manoeuvre onto the beam and take the damage to prevent the Beam reaching the Imperial Frigate.
The K Wing jumped into hyperspace with its shields down on Turn 5 and was followed shortly afterwards by Spike in his E Wing which was down to one hull point.
It was nip and tuck all the way through and the game ended as a draw with neither side able to destroy the others Frigate, the Rebels because the beam kept getting blocked, the Imperials because they never fired.
The upgraded Imperial List seemed to give a more even game with a couple of Rebel ships having close shaves, flying into each other and off the table didn't help the Dark Side either.
Result (2 pts for a win, 1 for a draw)
Campaign overall score is, Empire 24 pts, Rebels 30 pts
Wing madness will return with
game 28 on 3rd of August 2016 when our intrepid pilots will be trying to save a certain bun headed Princess and her bleeping droid.
And now our New Feature - It's......
Comedy moment as
usual was provided by the Imperials as yet again proving that having
decent ships isn't the be all and end all. It was two for the price of one this week, on move 4 one Tie Defender
collided with the Tie Advanced and at the end of the game the other Tie
Defender flew off the board !
Fly your best ships into each other, surely not ! |
Or off the table ! |
head mechanic in the Rebel Garage is mixing up some newspaper and wallpaper paste into a lovely Paper Mashy mix to fix the odd laser hole.
Pilot upgrades prior to start of game 27
Pop Cicle bought an Auto Turret and Flechette Torpedoes
Ensign WK Jnr got himself a Kalidor Crescent and the Danger Sense Pilot Skill
Rick O'Shea bought Chaff Particles and an Advanced Proton Torpedo.
Rebel Pilot results below,
Pilot Spike Sharpie - E Wing (PS4), survived, 1 kills, 3 GC - Totals, Missions 27, 20 GC, 21 kills
Pilot Rick O'Shea - K6/B Wing (PS6), survived, 1 kills, 4 GC - Totals, Missions 26, 4 GC, 37 kills
Pilot Pop Cicle - K Wing (PS4) survived, 0 kills, 1 GC - Totals, Missions 20, 1 GC, 6 kills
Pilot Captain Tangent - T70 X Wing (PS3), survived, 0 kills, 1 GC, Totals, Missions 15, 5 GC, 2 kills
Pilot Ensign WK Jnr (PS4) - T70 X Wing survived, 1 kill, 3 GC- Totals Missions 10, 5 GC, 9 kills
Pilot Laa Laa Dameron (PS1) - T70 X Wing survived, 0 kills, 2 GC - Totals Missions 1, 2 GC, 0 kills
Not Present
Pilot Crank Case - Y Wing (PS4) Totals, Missions 20, 3 GC 13 kills
Pilot Obi Two - X Wing (PS1), Totals, Missions 2, 3 GC, 0 kills
Pilot Oi M'Groin - Y Wing (2), Totals, Missions 4, 3 GC 0 kills
Pilot Sir Jeremy Dodger - X Wing (2), Totals Missions 3, 7 GC, 2 kills
Pilot Twiki Bond - A Wing (1), Totals Missions 1, 6 GC, 0 kills
Pilot Baby Brian - X Wing (1) survived, 0 kills, 1GC - Totals Missions 3, 1 GC, 0 kills
Roll of Honour (At the going down of the twin suns, we will remember them)
Pilot Brian sadly lost after only 2 missions, RIP
Pilot Commander Wayne Kerr veteran of 7 Missions, RIP
Ship Zone
geeks area for those who want to see what our intrepid pilots fly.
Kalidor Crescent is bought for 5 GC and adds a pilot skill slot.
Spike Sharpie, Kalidor Crescent with Sniper Trait - E Wing with Shield Upgrade & Z2-K8 Droid
Pop Cicle - K Wing - with Advanced Homing Missiles, Auto Turret and Flechette Torpedoes
O'Shea, Kalidor Crescent, Lighting Reflexes, Playing Possum and Chess Player- K6/B
Wing with Heavy Laser Cannon, Engine Upgrade, Advanced Sensors, Chaff Dispenser and Advanced Proton Torpedoes
WK Jnr - T70 X Wing with R2-D2 mech, Kalidor Cresecent and Danger Sense.
Crank Case, Kalidor Crescent with Barrel Roll - Y Wing with Adv Proton Torpedoes (x2) and Plasma Cannon Turret.
Captain Tangent - Kalidor Crescent, T70 X Wing unmodified.
Laa Laa Dameron - T70 X Wing unmodified.
Obi Two - X Wing unmodified.
Baby Brian - awaiting new ship
Oi Mi'Groin - Y Wing with R10 Astromech and Autoturret
Sir Jeremy Dodger - X Wing with R2-D2 and shield upgrade
Twiki Bond - A Wing unmodified
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