Wednesday 2 July 2014

28mm Desert Italian 75/18 Semovente

28mm Desert Italian 75/18 Semovente with Infantry Support

Well this week more WW2 Armour and Infantry has rolled off the production line here at Castle R. All the vehicles I own (minus 6 Bren Carriers I'm trying to ignore) are at a fit for the table stage of painting, i.e. basic paint with highlights and wash with tracks done. Slowly but surely I will get these finished by adding decals/crew/camo as required. Looking across the room there are another 8 vehicles ready for finishing touches.

These two are from the Warlord Games range which I picked up earlier this year during their big sale, the commander is from Perrys. Decals from Warlord as well. I've gone for the basic un camo version of the vehicle.

Whilst doing these I also managed to finish off a batch of bog standard Italian Infantry. As with the Brits I'm working towards a Battalion size force of these fellows.

Deployed LMG Teams

Google automatically did some changes to this photo, better than the original

I'm about 2/3rds of the way through the Battalion, compared to the AWI stuff these are quick and easy to do, they are quite a nice break from the more complex 18th Century uniforms and a good run on these will get me back in the black with the Lead Mountain.

At the moment on the go I am halfway through the next 20 fig AWI unit, I have some EotD Civilians started, I am also building my a box of 28mm Desert Rats. Enthusiasm remains high at the moment. On the gaming front shifts mean I haven't been at the club for a while, the Naval Campaign at Castle R will complete this week, so expect a write up on that soon.

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