Friday, 7 March 2025

Yarkshire Gamer Podcast - Episode 66 - Lorenzo Sartori, Dadi et Piombo


Hi there,

Welcome to the first episode of 2025 and today I combine two of my favourite things in life Wargaming and Italy.

My guest is Lorenzo Sartori who runs the Italian based wargames publishers Dadi & Piombo.

The episode is available on all major Podcast hosts or via the link below

Lorenzo has been publishing a magazine of the same name for over 25 years, along with various sets of rules and books relating to wargaming, including the very popular Impetus Rules.

I chat to Lorenzo about his Wargaming History, as I do with all my guests before moving on to discussing the hobby in Italy in general before finishing off discussing the magazine and his rules.

The magazine is available via the website below,

I love talking to wargamers from around the world about this wonderful hobby that unites so many of us.

Thanks for listening and I'll see you again soon.

Regards Ken

The Yarkshire Gamer

The previous episode is on the Utubes below

Saturday, 1 March 2025

Yarkshire Gamer Podcast 65 - Xmas Brews in't Binyard 2024

A bit late to arriving on the Blog, I keep forgetting to post them ! If you haven't it's definitely worth a listen.

Welcome back to the Yarkshire Gamer Podcast with our usual Xmas Special with the Brews in the Binyard Boys, Alex Sotheran from Storm of Steel and Iain McDonald from Flags of War.

The episode can be listened to via your normal Podcast Host or on the link below,

In what is now tradition I butcher a Xmas song at the start of the show so get ready for a version of Fairy Tale of New York which you have never heard before !

The show ended up being 4 hours long, but lets face it, you've got plenty of spare time over Xmas, stick some earbuds in and pretend to be asleep after a festive meal.

We tackle weighty subjects like, what the f.... is Trench Crusade about, why historians can't make their minds up (again), Crisp Butties, the demise of Twitter, Warlord Games French Lancer horse legs and most importantly which is the best Fish and Chip Shop in Skipton.

Whether you digest it in a oner or in several more digestible parts, I hope you enjoy it as much as we did recording it.

I hope to be back in the new year with the regular mix of guests, until then have a great Xmas and a Happy New Year and may all your Pike Blocks be massive !

Until Next Time, Sithee

Regards Ken

The Yarkshire Gamer  

The last episode is on the Utubes below

Monday, 24 February 2025

Yarkshire Gamer Podcast - Episode 64 Andy Johnson - Soldier Gamer Author


Hi everyone,

Welcome back to the first, long form "normal" Podcast for a while and todays guest is Andy Johnson.

Available on the link below or via all major Podcast hosts

Andy was born in York which gets a big tick in a box on this show ! and in the first part of the show we chat about Andys Wargaming life and the old Little Soldier Shop on Gillygate in his home town.

Section 2 covers Andys extensive military career in the Coldstream Guards and how wargaming was used as a learning tool throughout his service.

Its then the usual quiz etc before we move on to talk about Andys books and his Utube Channel "Brave Men Died Here".

I really enjoyed reading my guests books and they are highly recommended.

Books avaliable via the link below Andy Johnson: books, biography, latest update

YouTube Channel is here

Brave Men Died Here UK - YouTube

Back in a couple of weeks when I hope to be interviewing Lorenzo Sartori editor of the Italian Wargaming Magazine Dadi & Piombo 

Regards Ken

The Yarkshire Gamer

The previous episode is on the Utubes below