Saturday, 29 May 2021

Yarkshire Gamer Podcast - Episode 7 - Nick Skinner - If the Lord Spares Us

The Yarkshire Gamer Podcast just keeps rolling on and this week the YG train stops at the Toofatlardies Station where I speak to the legend that is Nick Skinner about his wargaming life, his views on Big Games and a very personal set of rules, If the Lord Spares Us.

A massive favourite at Yarkshire Gamer we are recreating the Mesopotamia Campaign one game at a time using ITLSU, we started of in Basra, working our way upto the gates of Bagdad, being besieged in Kut and we are currently trying to break the Turkish hold on that town.

I chatted about loads of stuff with Nick from Avocado to Cricket with the occasional mention of Wargaming, Nick made a really great attempt at the 4 minute Challenge before we discussed how he got the first sets of Lardies rules into circulation.

It was also our first sponsored episode and we are very proud to have Yorkshire Airlines on board 😀  So if you fancy going Eh Up and Away on your holiday and you want to stay in Yarkshire at the same time, and let's face it who wouldn't, Yorkshire Airlines could be for you.

Both Nick and I have a family relation who fought in the East during WW1 and its was great to chat about the rules and the period, if you haven't please have a read up on the actions in Mesopotamia, Palestine etc its a fascinating story. The rules themselves are a very reasonable 8 of your English pounds on PDF from the link below,

Thanks to Nick for his time making the Episode, next time I will be speaking with Simon Hall of Mortem et Gloriam fame.

If you missed it on audio or just want to listen again with pictures, the last episode with Fraser from the Von Ketteringham YouTube Channel is out on Utubes, thanks for listening.


  1. Ken,
    Loved the interview with Nick and laughed out loud at the Yorkshire Airlines advert! I’ve got family in Ilkley so know exactly where you are coming from.
    Ian F

  2. Very enjoyable as usual Ken - the only thing I can't help thinking you keep getting wrong is the bit about Avocados - I've got 3 Avocado trees in the garden but as we seem to see eye to eye on most things I'll now have to contemplate trying to grow a mushy pea tree

    1. If mushy peas grew on trees 🌳 I have the first mushy pea orchard 😄
